Amboseli Ecosystem Trust | Kenya

BioCarbon Partners | Zambia

Communities Health Africa Trust | Kenya

Ewaso Lions | Kenya

Game Rangers International | Zambia

Grevy's Zebras Trust | Kenya

Honeyguide | Tanzania

Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation | Namibia

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy | Kenya

Lion Guardians | Kenya

Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association | Kenya

Kenya Wildlife Trust

Maasai Mara Wildlife Conservancies Association | Kenya

Mpingo Conservation and Development Initiative | Tanzania

Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations

Namibia Nature Foundation | Namibia

Northern Rangelands Trust | Kenya

Rede para Gestão Comunitária de Recursos Naturais | Mozambique

Save the Rhino Trust | Namibia

South Rift Association of Land Owners | Kenya

Taita Taveta Wildlife Conservancy Association | Kenya

Ujamaa Community Resource Team | Tanzania

Zambia Community Based Natural Resource Management Forum