Lewa Wildlife Conservancy | Kenya

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy works as a model and catalyst for the conservation of wildlife and its habitat. It does this through the protection and management of species, the initiation and support of community conservation and development programs, and the education of neighbouring areas in the value of wildlife. For local communities, Lewa represents much more than the wildlife it protects. To the people who neighbour the Conservancy, Lewa provides the chance to maintain their traditional way of life in a modern and sustainable context through progressive grazing and forestry initiatives. To families living on its boundaries, Lewa offers improved livelihoods with its adult education and women’s micro-credit programs, community-managed water projects, and access to health care at its four health clinics. To thousands of children in local schools, Lewa opens doors to a future with more choices than the generations before them.

Learn more: Lewa.org


Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation | Namibia


Lion Guardians | Kenya